1) Rumors circulated today that the Lakers had signed former All-Star shooting guard Gilbert Arenas. Fortunately, they proved to be false. Besides the next time Metta World Peace loses it, do you really want to take a chance that he knows where Arenas stores his locker room piece? (see: John Brisker)


2) JR Smith made his Knicks debut on Sunday sporting an odd part in his hairline. The only explanation I can give is that Voldemort touched his hairline in China.

3) The Ghost of Greg Oden has had a tough career. Oden hasn?t played a single game this season and two weeks after undergoing right knee surgery, his surgeon says he?s too unhealthy to undergo left knee surgery as of yet. I hate to pile on but at this point, his NBA career is like Casper The Friendly Ghost?s teen years?full of potential but never going to happen. On the plus side, Life Alert is still looking for a celebrity spokesman.

4) Before February, Jeremy Lin spent more nights on couches than the Simpsons family. Jeremy Lin is all the rage. In one week, Jeremy Lin helped end the Time Warner Cable-MSG dispute, appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated, TIME Magazine, turned down the cover of GQ and was complimented by Obama and Palin. I?m surprised Kim Kardashian didn?t ask to wear him for Fashion Week.

5) Kim Kardashian allegedly arranging a meeting/date with Jeremy Lin. Here?s to hoping David Stern vetoes her trade of a Nets role player for a starting Knicks point guard. If it?s anything like her previous marriage, hasn?t Lin had enough of these ten-day contracts?

6) Nick Saban sent 105 letters to a Georgia high school running back recently. Nick Saban?s wife must be happy to hear the reason he was so busy at the office on Valentines Day.

7) This week, Lebron hinted that he would entertain the idea of returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers one day. Doing the math, he would have to at least wait until the end of his Heat contract when he?d be nearly 31 years old. Right. Sleep easy Cavalier fans because if there?s one thing Cleveland doesn?t have enough of, it?s aging past their prime superstars.

8) It?s sad that Lebron?s Miami Heat career is turning out to resemble the last twenty minutes of Tyler Perry?s Why Did I Get Married.

9) According to the NY Daily News,?Louise Neathway, also known as?Louise Meanwell, the woman accused of extorting $6,000 from Cashman ? and demanding $15,000 more ? remains jailed at Rikers Island while she awaits indictment, held on a $300,000 bond. So let me get this straight, Cashman, the Yankees general manager was unwilling to overpay a woman he had an affair with but gave AJ Burnett $82 Million? For half a percentage of what Burnett made he could have made his entire life easier and traded her to Pittsburgh.

Mark Zuckerberg made a cameo at court side of Sunday’s Mavs-Knicks matchup. After the game, the Winklevoss Twins argued that they knew first that Lin would be an NBA star when they saw him play during his freshman year at Harvard.