Bulls Drop Nets in 7, advance to Semifinals

With a 99-93 victory over the Brooklyn Nets, the Chicago Bulls advance to the semifinals of the eastern conference where they will face MVP LeBron James and the Miami Heat. The injured, ill, and counted-out Bulls showed warrior like mentality and battled the Nets in the final game of the series. This is the first game seven victory in Bulls [&hellip

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Grizzlies New Playoff Favorite with Series Win Over Clips

Four straight losses, a first round departure, and an injured starter, wasn’t the picture the Los Angeles Clippers painted of their playoffs. When the Clippers won 56 games, set a franchise record, and went on a 17 game win streak, they were clearly the better team in LA and one of the biggest competitors in the West. But in pursuing a ring, [&hellip

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Should Derrick Rose Return this Season?

The return of Derrick Rose would finally give us the playoff match-ups we’ve been patiently waiting to see. A second round playoff match-up between LeBron James and Derrick Rose is long overdue, but it may be better for fans to wait just a little while longer for this dream to come true. Rose’s return means that Nate Robinson’s time on the court [&hellip

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Stephen Curry: Finals MVP?

While most spectators and analysts focus on the potential NBA Finals rematch between LeBron and Durant, fans are hoping for a team of underdogs to challenge a team of superstars and take the title this year. There’s no doubt that Stephen Curry and the Warriors could be that team. The Warriors have already beaten the Los Angeles Clippers (their potential [&hellip

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The Tortoise And The Hare: Can The Knicks Hold Off The Bucks?

As the playoffs approach, a familiar opponent is assaulting the New York Knicks slippery grasp on the eight seed. The Milwaukee Bucks and Knicks have been trading possession of the eighth seed back and forth for weeks. Suddenly, Milwaukee has emerged from the dead to re-enter the race. After watching Carmelo Anthony’s 39-point performance in a loss to the Pacers it’s a foregone conclusion that Anthony plays [&hellip

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