Tebow Signs Two-Year Deal with Patriots

On Tuesday, the New England Patriots signed quarterback Tim Tebow to a two-year contract with no money guaranteed. The former New York Jet was counted out and overlooked by many teams, but is now given a chance to prove himself to the best coach in the league. “Tim is a talented player; is smart and works hard. We’ll see how [&hellip

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TIm Tebow Is Not A Starting Quarterback, He’s A Closer

The?New York Jets?offseason program began this morning with the NFL’s most talked about off-season acquisition in attendance. While?Tim Tebow?has been busy doing the media rounds since getting traded to the Jets,?Mark Sanchezhas spent the last few weeks training with embattled receiver?Santonio Holmes?under the beating sun at ESPN?s Wide World of Sports in Orlando. Once Sanchez and Tebow reported to the [&hellip

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Top Duns(Ten) Reasons Why Tebow As A New York Jet Is A Disaster

Greetings members of the Andromeda galaxy. As I’m sure you just saw live on your ESPN: Galaxy broadcast yesterday, the New York Jets have officially introduced the worlds’ most famous backup quarterback to New York in a broadcast you’ll likely archive in your vast collection of some of the most important moments in human history. Following NFL broadcasts from 2.6 million light [&hellip

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What Mark Sanchez Can Learn From Drew Brees

Rather than spending their weekend trying to lurePeyton Manning to New York where he could ply his trade in the same home stadium stadium as his brother, the New York Jets sent a strong message of their own by extending a three-year extension, including $27 million guaranteed, to fourth-year quarterback Mark Sanchez. In the grand scheme of things, his fourth season could be a [&hellip

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History Is Against Peyton Manning

As Peyton Manning continues recuperating from the spinal fusion procedures he underwent last year, it appears all but certain that he’ll continue his career a with a new franchise. Manning wouldn’t be the first future Hall of Fame quarterback to have to change teams in the twilight of his career and he won’t be the last (take heed Tom Brady). No one is [&hellip

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