Top Ten Plays of The Giants Championship Season

During the course of a season, certain plays stand out. You might assume that the top play of the Giants season came in the Super Bowl or late in their stretch run for the playoffs. In actuality, the most pivotal play of the Giants season came months ago. It’s a forgotten play that not only appeared superhuman at the time [&hellip

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Eli-te Manning Repeats History

  There are no more questions about whether Eli is elite. But has the second half of Brady’s career become tragic? For three quarters of the season, they were less than stellar and shrunk in the limelight. However, in the pivotal moments they played likeĀ Giants. With jobs, the season and games on the line the 2012 Super Bowl Champion New [&hellip

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Super Bowl XLVI Breakdown

Super Bowl 2012, Key Matchups: David Baas Vs. Vince?Wilfork When he steps between the hash marks on Sundays, it?s?Vince Wilfork?s world and opposing offensive lineman are just living in it. At least that?s what you?d surmise based on his recent playoff performances against the?Broncos?and?Ravens. It?s also an appropriate phrase for a player with Wilfork?s immense size and equally vast abilities. [&hellip

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The New York Giants Have a Tebow in Their Midst

Tom Coughlin has been compared to Bill Parcells, Bill Cowher and Bill Belichick but the Giants fiery head coach shares more in common with the Denver Broncos superstar quarterback, Tim Tebow. When the critics put his back against the wall and put his job in jeopardy all he does in win. [Read More After The Jump

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New York Jets Can Find Hope For the Future In the Giants Past

  Under the bright lights of New York, many supreme athletes and coaches have fizzled under the lights. Larry Brown, Rick Pitino, Randy Johnson, Stephon Marbury and?Brett Favre?all flamed out. Tom Coughlin nearly joined that ignominious list of New York disappointments five years ago. However, a surprising Super Bowl championship catapulted him into New York sports stratosphere. Today, Rex Ryan [&hellip

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