Top 5 Active NBA Point Guards

The temporary absences of Rajon Rondo and Derrick Rose leaves room for NBA point guards to secure their positions as the league’s best performers. 5. Damian Lillard, Portland Trail Blazers Damian Lillard averages 19 points per game and is the sixth highest scoring point guard in the NBA; he averages more points per game than seasoned point guards like Deron [&hellip

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Kobe Bryant, The Cancer

Yes he’s a future hall-of-famer. And yes, he is arguably the best player to have ever played in the NBA; some analysts place Kobe Bryant above Michael Jordan on the list of the NBA’s greatest players of all time. Questioning Bryant’s talent and accomplishments is ignorant; numbers never lie. His capabilities shouldn’t be the Laker’s concern, but the effects his presence has [&hellip

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Stephen Curry: Finals MVP?

While most spectators and analysts focus on the potential NBA Finals rematch between LeBron and Durant, fans are hoping for a team of underdogs to challenge a team of superstars and take the title this year. There’s no doubt that Stephen Curry and the Warriors could be that team. The Warriors have already beaten the Los Angeles Clippers (their potential [&hellip

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Westbrook’s (Han) Solo Act Is Hurting The Thunder

If the ?chosen one? Lebron ?Anakin? James, Dwyane ??Sith Lord? Wade and Chris Bosh are the NBA?s closest equivalent to the Galactic Empire as they’ve been portrayed, the Oklahoma City Thunder have set themselves up as the NBA?s Jedi force. The light in the dark.?They are the organically built contender in a small market. Naturally, for years to come Kevin [&hellip

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