Vikings Say No, Urlacher Still Unsigned

The fact that Brian Urlacher is still an unsigned middle linebacker after 13-years of leading the Chicago Bears is baffling. Sometimes even vets are dealt a bad hand. With a new head coach and defensive coordinator running the show it was only a matter of time before the loyalty that kept Urlacher a Bear ended. Now that Urlacher is searching [&hellip

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Week 16 In Review

AJ Green may be the Bengals star receiver but Jerome Simpson scored arguably the most acrobatic touchdown in Bengals history. The Bengals scored seven points on the play but would have been awarded just six by the German judges. The Minnesota Vikings just keep losing?even in victory. Not only did Minnesota win a meaningless game against the Washington Redskins that [&hellip

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Favre: Legacy

Tron Legacy opens Friday and it’s indescribable how excited I am for it. ?But it’s somehow only the second most talked about legacy being discussed these days. ?After missing his first start in 18 years on Monday night despite God’s intervention at the MetroDome Sunday morning, Brett Favre’s career may or may not be over. I believe he’s got three [&hellip

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Minnesota’s Most Wanted

On Monday afternoon, news of 72 year old Bill Cosby’s death shocked the nation.? Apparently, it shocked even Bill Cosby who has now endured four of his own death hoaxes this week (Five if you include the movie “Ghost Dad”).? However, as the hoax was slowly debunked, the Internet backtracked. Conversely, part of me feels like Cosby has been the [&hellip

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