Russell Westbrook vs. James Harden is a Battle for the NBA’s Soul

Russell Westbrook vs. James Harden’s MVP debate embodies the reductive qualatative vs quantitative debate surrounding the NBA. Can the advanced metrics which help determine our perception of top players really capture the essence of their value? Does it measure the qualitative size of a player’s heart? Or the uplifting and calming presence a leader brings to a team during the course [&hellip

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Will The Dormant Lebron-Carmelo Rivalry Finally Blossom?

Apr 27, 2012 – It seems like decades ago that 18-year old phenom Lebron James and 19-year old national champion, Carmelo Anthonyembarked on their NBA careers with a mountain of expectations on their teenage shoulders. James appeared destined to lift the moribundCleveland Cavaliers franchise from perennial bottom feeders while Anthony brought relevancy and hope to the downtrodden Denver Nuggets. Part of the anticipation that [&hellip

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Final Duns(TEN) Observations on the Knicks Regular Season

1) Back when NBA fans were frivolously arguing over Jeremy Lin’sinclusion in the Rookie-Sophomore Game, I was wondering why the same fans weren’t clamoring for Steve Novak’s inclusion in the Three Point Shootout. Novak was signed as a “stretch four” in Mike D’Antoni’s offense and the Knicks’ three-point archer has far surpassed expectations. Scratch that. There were no expectations for the unknown 6-foot-10 power [&hellip

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The New York Knicks Permanent Head Coach May Not Be Far

Carmelo Anthony has been extremely this season but did anybody realize he could brew intense infighting within the organization more efficiently than he could score on the hardwood? Just one year after his arrival Anthony has played so far below expectations that trade rumors began began popping up as the trade deadline nears. At the same time conflicting reports of Anthony [&hellip

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Is Carmelo A Problem For the Knicks

February Lin-sanity appeared to have tempered the vitriol and disappointment directed toward the underachieving New York Knicks. However, the ides of March have resurrected the drama and uncertainty that surrounded the franchise throughout the first month and a half of the season. A tornado of blame and finger pointing has descended upon Madison Square Garden. In the peripherals of the Knicks [&hellip

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