Super Team 2.0 Same as it was 40 Years Ago

There was a sentiment entering this season that in todays NBA, only a handful of genetically engineered teams in destination cities had a legitimate shot at the NBA championship. That idea died a painful death on Sunday night. Since 1979, the Lakers, Rockets and Spurs have maintained a monopoly on NBA championships in the Western Conference. Today, it?s just limited [&hellip

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The Rise of No-QUIT-zki And The Missing King

Before it was renovated last year, my high school had a murial in the center of a large brick wall that read a quote from the school?s namesake,? Benjamin E. Mays. It read, “He who starts behind in the great race of life must forever remain behind or run faster than the man in front.” This is a saying I [&hellip

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Ten Reasons the Mavs Will Win The NBA Championship

#10 Chris Bosh is the biggest head case in professional sports. He?s got the nerves of a 90-year old woman babysitting Bebe?s kids. If Dirk Nowitzki gets hot early, expect Bosh to struggle early. #9 When the Mavericks want to play at a more up-tempo pace, JJ Barea is their change of pace point guard. When Barea is out on [&hellip

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Dwight Howard Ain’t Walkin’ Through That Door

It was truly interesting listening to the hasty thoughts of analysts, the media and fair weather fans after the stormy ending to the Lakers season.What I heard?confirmed my notion that we?ve become a culture with an unhealthy addiction to something besides Whoppers and the McRib. Overreacting has replaced baseball as our national past time. We overreacted when the Miami Heat [&hellip

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