OKC: No Westbrook, No Chance at Title

Three-time All Star point guard Russell Westbrook suffered from a torn meniscus on Wednesday and is currently out of the playoffs indefinitely. This injury forces Westbrook to end his perfect record of games played and miss the first game of his entire basketball career. Without Westbrook, Oklahoma City Thunder has no chance at winning the final series. Westbrook’s passion and [&hellip

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Why Team USA Could Beat The Dream Team

Nobody knows when it began but Kobe Bryant has seemingly sought to eclipse Michael Jordan before he was even an 18-year-old NBA rookie. His next championship would be his sixth, like Jordan, and his next gold medal would give him two, like Jordan. He even grew a goatee similar to the one worn on Jordan’s face during the ’92 Olympic [&hellip

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Westbrook’s (Han) Solo Act Is Hurting The Thunder

If the ?chosen one? Lebron ?Anakin? James, Dwyane ??Sith Lord? Wade and Chris Bosh are the NBA?s closest equivalent to the Galactic Empire as they’ve been portrayed, the Oklahoma City Thunder have set themselves up as the NBA?s Jedi force. The light in the dark.?They are the organically built contender in a small market. Naturally, for years to come Kevin [&hellip

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Oklahoma City Skywalker: Small Market’s Last Hope

A few days from now in a small market far, far away? hope will begin anew as the NBA season kicks off on Christmas Day. The new collective bargaining agreement may have brought an end to the lockout but the NBA remains in a state of civil war. The NBA is a house divided and David Stern?s interference in Chris [&hellip

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Westbrook is “Kick-Ass”

The Western Conference Finals is the ultimate matchup of transcendent scoring wings between Kevin Durant and Dirk Nowitzki. However, the matchup to watch won’t be the offensive duel between Durant and Nowitzki or the chess match at point guard between Jason Kidd and Russell Westbrook. Instead, I’ll be watching for friendly fire between the Oklahoma City Thunder’s two stars. Great [&hellip

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