Lin’s D-League Coach Compares Him To Agent Zero

During an appearance on the Jim Rome Show Saturday, ex-Warriors coach Eric Musselman had high praise for Jeremy Lin. Musselman, who coached Lin during his tenure as Reno Bighorns head coach called Lin the best dribble-drive player he’d coached since Gilbert Arenas was in his prime. Musselman said this to Rome: “If I had to say one or two things [&hellip

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Jeremy Lin: The NBA’s Black Swan

Call him Lin-derella if you want but the Knicks new point guard may be the NBA’s Avant-garde …Or not. Either way, similar to Tom Brady or Kurt Warner’s meteoric rises in the NFL, Jeremy Lin has changed the fortunes of the Knicks franchise and may be here to stay. Ninety-nine percent of the time, long-term NBA storylines are as predictable [&hellip

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How New York’s Linning Streak Has Changed The Knicks Season

Jeremy Lin has become an international icon overnight but he hasn’t done it alone. The last 10 days have completely changed the fate of the Knicks season and possible Mike D’Antoni’s future.  Lin-sanity might have a nickname recycled from Vince Carter’s Toronto Raptors heyday but the buzz around Jeremy Linand the New York Knicks is unlike anything the NBA has seen. This meteoric rise has been [&hellip

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Baron Davis, Jeremy Lin & The New York Knicks Red Herring

In just 72 hours, Jeremy Lin, the part time contradiction/devout Christian, Asian-American, couch-sleeping, Harvard grad has added a new term to the sports lexicon and has become an icon almost as quickly as Tebow. However, unlike Tebow, most fans didn’t know who Lin was prior to Monday night. That is no longer the case. LinSwag has taken over the city [&hellip

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