Previewing NBA Teams As Presidential Candidates

The NBA is barely a week into its regular season. Draymond Green hasn’t even stretched for his first Rockette kick. Alternatively, the general election cycle is also closing in on two years of campaigning and punditry analysis. Thankfully, the end is near. The intersection of these two events inspired a novel idea. Recently, Pat Buchanan used the term, “political athlete” in [&hellip

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VICE Sports: LeBron James Is The NBA’s Anachronistic Superstar

I wrote about this young actor for VICE Sports. He is also an old NBA player from Ohio. Did you know that according to the Harvard Sports Analysis Collective, Michael Jordan was the only player to score a non-dunk field goal in the original Space Jam? That Space Jam 2 role is perfect, because LeBron has forgotten how to shoot, [&hellip

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The Disappointing Duo of Carmelo and Amare May Never Work

Friday night’s 98-90 loss by the New York Knicks to the Cleveland Cavaliers in Amare Stoudemire’s return to the lineup stoked the fears that Knicks fans have been harboring during Carmelo Anthony’s recent hot streak. Anthony came crashing down to Earth with a 12-point, 5-for-13 performance, along with four turnovers. Anthony scored 11 of his 12 points in the first half and attempted just one field [&hellip

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Scarlet (and Gold) Letter

Leave it to Jesse Jackson to turn a trivial billionaire’s temper tantrum into Dred Scott reincarnated. As Shaq once said, “One lucky shot deserves another”, and one dumb comment deserves a dumber response.? I wish Dan Gilbert would stay out of the liquor cabinet while he’s typing, but I also wish Jesse Jackson would leave his thoughts out of the [&hellip

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Miami Thrice

I waited until the weekend to release my first thoughts on Miami’s big day because I was caught up in my website launch.? Unfortunately, unlike the Miami Heat, I could not afford strobe lights and fog but I do invite 30,000 people to attend.? The Heat presumably spent the remainder of their scant salary cap on their flashy introduction of [&hellip

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