Previewing NBA Teams As Presidential Candidates

The NBA is barely a week into its regular season. Draymond Green hasn’t even stretched for his first Rockette kick. Alternatively, the general election cycle is also closing in on two years of campaigning and punditry analysis. Thankfully, the end is near. The intersection of these two events inspired a novel idea. Recently, Pat Buchanan used the term, “political athlete” in [&hellip

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Bulls Drop Nets in 7, advance to Semifinals

With a 99-93 victory over the Brooklyn Nets, the Chicago Bulls advance to the semifinals of the eastern conference where they will face MVP LeBron James and the Miami Heat. The injured, ill, and counted-out Bulls showed warrior like mentality and battled the Nets in the final game of the series. This is the first game seven victory in Bulls [&hellip

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Should Derrick Rose Return this Season?

The return of Derrick Rose would finally give us the playoff match-ups we’ve been patiently waiting to see. A second round playoff match-up between LeBron James and Derrick Rose is long overdue, but it may be better for fans to wait just a little while longer for this dream to come true. Rose’s return means that Nate Robinson’s time on the court [&hellip

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Would The Knicks Rather Sit In Miami’s Hot Seat or Run With the Bulls?

The Knicks still have a faint hope of avoiding the East’s top two seeds, Miami and Chicago, however that pipe dream relies on the historically bad Bobcats beating the Orlando Magic without Superman. Even with the sixth seed out of reasonable reach, the Knicks share the Eastern Conference’s eight best record with thePhiladelphia 76ers and don’t know which team they’ll play in the first round [&hellip

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J.R. Smith’s Twitter Dossier File

In just one five word Twitter announcement JR Smith announced his decision to sign with the New York Knicks and added to arguably the greatest month in New York sports history. Online Private Eye takes a look at how he got here. Valentines Day may have passed but through Thursday night, fringe NBA All-Star, J.R. Smith was still holding the hearts of [&hellip

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