Super Bowl 2012, Key Matchups: David Baas Vs. Vince?Wilfork

When he steps between the hash marks on Sundays, it?s?Vince Wilfork?s world and opposing offensive lineman are just living in it. At least that?s what you?d surmise based on his recent playoff performances against the?Broncos?and?Ravens. It?s also an appropriate phrase for a player with Wilfork?s immense size and equally vast abilities. Wilfork has the versatility to line up at the end but on Super Bowl Sunday, it will most likely be?Giants?center,?David Baas? responsibility to keep Wilfork in front of him and out of the backfield. Although Wilfork is generously listed at 325, he?s likely bigger based on his appearance and after watching him gobble up opposing lineman, running backs and quarterbacks this season.

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Super Bowl 2012, Key Matchups: Giants Receivers Vs. Patriots?Secondary

On paper, the New England?Patriots?shouldn?t be here. Not with the NFL?s 31st?ranked pass defense that allowed nearly 300 yards per game. For much of the season, throwing against the Pats secondary was as simple as playing monkey in the middle. The same Patriots secondary that allowed?Joe Flacco?to throw for over 300 yards in the AFC Championship Game was fortunate he didn?t throw for more. Flacco actually misfired on multiple downfield throws to wide open receivers. Against a better quarterback, New England would have been lit up for far more than 400 yards based on the atrocious coverage they displayed in the AFC Championship Game.

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