The other day I was on Twitter and I heard people talking about how this player is better than that player because of the points he scores and that as long as they get there points then it doesnt matter how many shots they take. Which had me thinking, is the NBA no longer about Defense and hustle or are the fans making it that way. So here is my list of players who I believe are overrated in no specific order.

1. Monta Ellis- A player who was brought over from the warriors to bring stability scoring and energy to the back court Ellis has not lived up to the hype. This postseason showed that when he averaged a measly 14.3 points per game in the playoffs and shooting 42 percent from the field. That is not what the Bucks brought Ellis in for, along with his lackluster defense Ellis is no longer the star as he once was in Golden State.

2. Roy Hibbert- After being paid over 50 million dollars Roy Hibbert has not lived up to the money. During the regular season he averaged 11.6 points per game along with 8.5 rebounds. Although his play in the playoffs has rised a little ( 13.5ppg and 9.2rpg) that is still not worth the 50 million he is being paid. Hibbert doesn’t demand the ball enough in the post and most of the time deferring to other players and playing down to his level of competition even though he is the most skilled big man on the floor. When paid this much money people expect you to perform up to expectation but it seems like Roy is just another overpaid and overrated big man *sigh*

3. Joe Johnson- although just last year Joe johnson was an All -Star this year Joe has flopped. In the regular season he averaged 16.3 points per game and when the playoffs began he got worst averaging 14.3 points per game. Joe just may not have it anymore or the bright lights in Brooklyn may scare him, but he was brought in to be the main man behind D-will and just hasn’t shown up. what makes things worst is in the deciding game 7 against the Bulls Johnson shot a dreadful 2-14 with only 6 points. Another case of so much money but so little output
4. Andrew Bynum- What can you say about Andrew Bynum that is positive these days. Ok he is a 7 footer with pretty good offensive skill set and rebounding and defense but thats all. The 76ers brought him in believing he would be the face of the franchise or atleast the second coming of Moses Malone and Andrew has failed terribly. With his different crazy hairstyles, antics on the bench and media fun times Andrew Bynum is truly overrated. He didn’t play in one game this year and the 76ers may have gotten nothing out of him besides 15 million in debt. Bynum has all the talent in the world but the passion for basketball may not be there. Although he is overrated someone will take a risk on him because these days 7 footers are coveted

5. Carmelo Anthony- Yes Carmelo Anthony is overrated. Not saying he isnt a superstar in this league but Melo is overrated. Many knick fans say wow how can the NBA scoring champ be overrated. Well there is your answer right there. All Carmelo does is score. His defense is okay at best and many times Melo goes into isolation mode slowing down the offense and many players get out of rhythm. Yes Melo does drop 30 points a night but he drops 30 on almost 30 shots. Right now in the playoffs he is shooting 38 percent and will he ever pass(averaging 1.9 assist per game) to an open player instead of forcing up shots. Not saying Anthony isn’t a good player but he just needs to pick and choose when to pass and shoot instead of forcing ill-advised shots most of the time.

Players just missing the cut: Jeremy Lin, Dwayne Wade, Brandon Roy, Rudy Gay, Steve Nash