It was truly interesting listening to the hasty thoughts of analysts, the media and fair weather fans after the stormy ending to the Lakers season.What I heard?confirmed my notion that we?ve become a culture with an unhealthy addiction to something besides Whoppers and the McRib. Overreacting has replaced baseball as our national past time.

We overreacted when the Miami Heat lost eight of their first 17 games. Last night, they advanced to their first conference championship series since 2006 by beating Boston in five games. According to a litany of writers this morning, advancing past the second round justifies Lebron?s migration to Miami.? The Mavs four game sweep of L.A. is emblematic of our hysterical culture.

Within minutes, Magic Johnson was on ABC’s Post-Game Show calling for an overhaul of the roster.

It?s very likely that next season?s Lakers unit will look exactly like this season?s. ?The only way Dwight Howard becomes a Laker is through a sign and trade next summer and trading Chris Paul for Bynum would disrupt the size advantage this team has over the rest of the NBA. As Rick Pitino would say, ?Dwight Howard ain?t walkin? through that door. Chris Paul ain?t walkin? through that door. Shaquille O?Neal ain?t walkin? through that door. And if he does walk through that door he?ll be bald and slow.?

The post-sweep mob jumped on the youth of teams like Oklahoma City and Memphis. Except neither of those teams beat Los Angeles. Youth and athleticism isn?t the problem. Dallas? main contributors were 38 year-old Jason Kidd, 32 year-old Shawn Marion as well as 33 year-olds Dirk Nowitzki, Jason Terry and Peja Stojakovic. Kobe, Fisher and Odom are the only Lakers over ?age 30.

I did the math. Los Angeles has played 67 playoff games in the previous three years. The game of basketball has peaks and valleys. When you?re tired as the Lakers? played, it can appear you?re best years are behind you. L.A. lost a pair of 4th quarter leads to the Mavs in Games 1 and 3. Those are demoralizing losses.

Last night, the Memphis Grizzlies lost by 27 points after losing a heartbreaking triple overtime thriller.? I?m not here to make excuses for the Lakers loss but their first series loss in three years doesn?t warrant demolishing the roster. The only major additions, Los Angeles should be making is for sharpshooters who can spread the floor.

The team needs a shakeup but not on the court. The shakeup will occur on the bench. In the interest of looking forward realistically, Brian Shaw has been the successor to Phil Jackson?s bench seat because of his familiarity with the Triangle offense. However, Eric Spoelstra?s rocky season in Miami may make Jerry Buss and Mitch Kupchak pause before putting the twilight of the Kobe era into the hands of a first time head coach.

Following Phil Jackson?s first retirement in 2004, the Lakers tabbed Rockets coach Rudy Tomjanovich. If the Lakers are looking for a savvy coach with a similar offensive style they should inquire about ex-Rockets coach Rick Adelman. Adelman has put in the years and has the gravitas to immediately demand respect.? He?ll even garner that respect from Kobe Bryant who remembers Adelman from his days as his adversary on the Sacramento Kings sideline. Adelman has done more with less than any coach in his three seasons with Houston. In 2009, Adelman?s Yao-less Rockets took the Lakers to the brink of elimination. Adelman has also gotten more out of the eccentric Ron Artest than any coach in two different cities. And if there?s one thing Adelman knows how to utilize?it?s agile big men. ?Pau Gasol?s passing skills are reminiscent of 7 footer Vlade Divac, who excelled with Adelman in Sacramento

Bryant will be healthier than he has in years past, Pau Gasol?s injured heart will have mended and Andrew Bynum will likely spend the summer developing a schedule around which games he?ll show up for.