Trump’s International Coterie of Corruption Is Linked by Avarice

They say art imitates life.? A few years ago, I suggested?that once the comic book superhero film craze grew a little well-worn, studios would transition into supervillain stories to appease audiences. Since then, DC Comics? movie division, DCEU, has begun churning out a cinematic universe chalked full of supervillain origin stories and team-ups like Todd Philips? Joker origin story, Birds [&hellip

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Reviewing the Wild, Unpredictable 2018 World Cup

Croatia and France’s matchup in the 2018 World Cup Final will be a rematch of the 1998 World Cup semifinal, where, 20 years ago, the French buried the Croatians 2-1 before winning their first Cup against powerhouse Brazil. Things may be different this year, though – both of their tournament runs are illustrative of international football’s entropy at work. Although [&hellip

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The Long Con-ald Trump

In November, Donald Trump’s ascendance to the presidency punched a hole in our election system. Ray Bradbury’s magnum opus, Fahrenheit 451 offers a lesson to his voters in the form of a quote uttered by Professor Faber. “If you hide your ignorance, nobody will hit you and you’ll never learn.” In other words, painful mistakes are how we learn. Soon, [&hellip

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DC Needs A Sports Exorcism

The past week put the nadir of pro sports in DC unfolded in ugly fashion for the nation to see. The Nationals drifted from World Series shoe-ins to world class screw-ups. Meanwhile, the post-RGIII optimism in Landover has died. Jay Gruden’s guy Kirk Cousins is contributing so many picks to defenses he could deduct it from his taxes and on Thursday Night [&hellip

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Kicking a Good Team While They’re Down

DJ Dunson and guest Eldridge Bell discuss the Seattle Seahawks tumbling from the clouds, back to sea level, the INTy’s beloved Colts, Philadelphia’s battered 2014 Rocky Balboa analog Sam Bradford and Rex Ryan’s foot in mouth fetish. Plus the Dallas Cowboys’ second consecutive pyrrhic victory teaches America there truly are A Million Ways To Die In The West

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