It’s Always Sunny In Vickadelphia

It?s the most amazing turnaround in sports history.? Last week, I compared him to Gordon Gekko,Michael Douglas’ greasy haired fictional film character because I honestly couldn?t think of a historical figure to compare. (Trust me, I tried.? Martha Stewart was the closest parallel. Seriously.) 18 months ago, #7 was servin out a bid as Bureau of Prisons ID# 33765-183.? Not [&hellip

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MV7 Scrambling Towards MVP?

There are some events which are seared into our memories.? Where we were when JFK was shot, during the moon landing, September 11th or when Flight 815 disappeared over the Pacific. On a July afternoon, three years ago, I took a nap.? I woke up to the news that Mike Vick had been indicted by the federal government on charges [&hellip

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Settling My Super Bowl Debate

This season more than any other, I?m having difficulty forecasting an eventual Super Bowl champion.? I feel like Flava Flav.? That was until this week when one team made all the right moves on the eve of the season to earn my trust.? Ultimately, my choice came down to a team which has been? perennial contender the entire decade,? give [&hellip

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Return of the Favre

Two weeks ago, Brett Favre sent the football world into a 50 yard spiral over an alleged text message stating, “This is it”.? He’d had enough.? Like Detective Murtaugh, Brett appeared to finally look himself in the mirror and decided he was too old for this s*#t.? That lasted all of 2 weeks.? It was as inevitable as Scott Boras [&hellip

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Minnesota’s Most Wanted

On Monday afternoon, news of 72 year old Bill Cosby’s death shocked the nation.? Apparently, it shocked even Bill Cosby who has now endured four of his own death hoaxes this week (Five if you include the movie “Ghost Dad”).? However, as the hoax was slowly debunked, the Internet backtracked. Conversely, part of me feels like Cosby has been the [&hellip

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