Top Duns(Ten) Stories of the Week

1) Rumors circulated today that the Lakers had signed former All-Star shooting guard Gilbert Arenas. Fortunately, they proved to be false. Besides the next time Metta World Peace loses it, do you really want to take a chance that he knows where Arenas stores his locker room piece? (see: John Brisker)   2) JR Smith made his Knicks debut on [&hellip

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Top Duns(Ten) Ramifications of Peyton Manning Leaving Indy

  While the media descends on Indianapolis to prepare for Sunday’s Super Bowl matchup between the Patriots’ Tom Brady and Peyton’s little brother, Eli, our third eyes are glued to the emerging melodrama with Indianapolis’ beloved quarterback. It’s very possible that Peyton has played his last home game as an Indianapolis Colt. It’s likely that next season, Manning will either [&hellip

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Ten Weekend Observations 1.9.12

1. Tweets of the Day @RealSkipBayless They FINALLY LET HIM THROW A FIRST-DOWN PASS! For 10 weeks I’ve been begging for JUST ONE, when unexpected. UNLEASH! Hate THAT! @ThaNorseGod THIS JUST IN.. my sources tell me that Tebow has a package to replace Fox with his highschool coach if Fox continues to blow goats. 2. During the regular season, Tebow’s 46 [&hellip

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OCD’s Finest: Top Duns(Ten) Reasons Tebow Was Snubbed By Pro Bowl Voters

I think we can all agree that for the past two months, every time we (Te)bowed our heads down to sleep we prayed for Tim Tebow to make the Pro Bowl roster. Unfortunately, the fan vote and players selections were released this week and Tebow?s name was nowhere to be found. After researching the causes of this? national travesty, I?ve [&hellip

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Extreme Makeover: NBA Edition

Salvation nears as the NFL’s labor dispute enters the 2 minute warning towards saving its pre-season. Unfortunately, the NBA lockout is beginning to resemble World War III as the many factions of players, owners, small market owners and fans hunker into the trenches of negotiations. While the NFL squabbles over a $9 billion dollar pie, the NBA and it’s third [&hellip

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