Kicking a Good Team While They’re Down

DJ Dunson and guest Eldridge Bell discuss the Seattle Seahawks tumbling from the clouds, back to sea level, the INTy’s beloved Colts, Philadelphia’s battered 2014 Rocky Balboa analog Sam Bradford and Rex Ryan’s foot in mouth fetish. Plus the Dallas Cowboys’ second consecutive pyrrhic victory teaches America there truly are A Million Ways To Die In The West

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College Football’s Week 1 Orientation

Delving into the first week of college football and what the crystal ball holds for Texas A&M after they poached John Chavis from LSU. Plus, breaking down the potential of Ohio State’s quarterback triumvirate and how Urban Meyers’ QB riches correlates to the plot of ‘Z For Zachariah&#

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NFL Can’t Spell Goodell Without Taking An L

Inside DJ Dunson’s Cerebral Sportex, The Podcast: Episode 1 breaks down Tom Brady displaying his clutch gene in federal court by quarterbacking his legal team to a legacy-altering victory over Commissioner/Judge, Jury, Executioner, Roger Goodell and the

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Top Duns(Ten) Questions About The 2015 Summer Movie Slate

Summer is almost over. Officially the season doesn’t close until Sept. 22, however, the dawn of September often feels like summer is packing its boxes and moving out the dorm early for fall and winter break. With fall’s arrival, goes the summer film bonanza. There weren’t any Oscar contenders this year like there was in 2014 when Birdman’s late August premiere [&hellip

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USA Network’s Robot Revolution

Cyber buzz has replaced word of mouth as the method of growing viewership. When Mr. Robot premiered back in June, it was disguised incognito as hacktivist Elliot Alderson’s millennial commentary on society. During the summer slumber period, it was a swaying tree branch tapping on the window on Wednesday nights Like LOST’s Walkabout episode or Ned’s beheading to end the [&hellip

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