Westbrook is “Kick-Ass”

The Western Conference Finals is the ultimate matchup of transcendent scoring wings between Kevin Durant and Dirk Nowitzki. However, the matchup to watch won’t be the offensive duel between Durant and Nowitzki or the chess match at point guard between Jason Kidd and Russell Westbrook. Instead, I’ll be watching for friendly fire between the Oklahoma City Thunder’s two stars. Great [&hellip

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Dwight Howard Ain’t Walkin’ Through That Door

It was truly interesting listening to the hasty thoughts of analysts, the media and fair weather fans after the stormy ending to the Lakers season.What I heard?confirmed my notion that we?ve become a culture with an unhealthy addiction to something besides Whoppers and the McRib. Overreacting has replaced baseball as our national past time. We overreacted when the Miami Heat [&hellip

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Recruiting Will Be Key to Resurrecting Maryland

On June 13, 1989 the 48 year old sunken remains of the Titanic of German warships was located off the coast of France. Thousands of miles away Gary Williams was hired to resurrect a sunken program. Almost 22 years later, Williams surrendered his throne as the face of the program and the university. On Monday night, Athletic Director Kevin Anderson [&hellip

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The Meeting

As the Denver Nuggets organization rumbles and burns with Carmelo Anthony’s future up in the air, Denver and New Jersey’s trade negotiations are taking longer to develop than Dr. Dre’s Detox. ?While, Dre has finally set an April date for Detox. ?The trade deadline is just under a month away. With the possibility of an NBA lockout looming, Carmelo might [&hellip

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Ultimate Fate of the Heatles

It?s been s hard day’s night? and two days since King James gave Beatles fans a collective heat stroke after a win over the Charlotte Bobcats, where he decreed the beginning of Heatlemania.? I have a couple problems with Lebron including his disturbing habit of speaking in third person and the hubris in knighting himself a captain of the Heatle [&hellip

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