Lost In the Woods: Is Tiger Ali or Tyson?

The past three years have been a long strange trip for Tiger Woods. Once the world’s most feared golfer, his dominance and aura have vanished. It’s difficult to determine which has had the toughest year between the world economy and Tiger Woods’ world ranking. Tiger now has the intimidation factor of Winnie the Pooh’s best friend Tigger and the course [&hellip

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The Great Tebow Debate: Rd. 2

I know I’m a little late on my take on the Denver quarterback “controversy” but I had a few technical difficulties. Last week, I asked the Denver quarterback to toss me the newspaper from off the driveway. He picked it up and cocked back but didn’t complete his release until Sunday and the Denver Post fluttered in the air through [&hellip

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Crazy Like A FoxBoro

It has been an eventful week for the Patriots organization since the labor dispute ended. On Monday, Patriots owner Bob Kraft earned major credit for ending the NFLs labor dispute with players. Meanwhile, the Colts are in disarray as Peyton Manning may not be ready for camp after off-season neck surgery and the team remains stagnant in free agency while [&hellip

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The Goodell, The Bad & The Ugly

This was not Moses wandering through the desert for 40 years. It only took 132 days for the NFLPA and owners to emerge with commandments of their own in the form of a ten year collective bargaining agreement. In the process they also found a way to stay in the national consciousness while taking a virtual vacation. It was an [&hellip

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Extreme Makeover: NBA Edition

Salvation nears as the NFL’s labor dispute enters the 2 minute warning towards saving its pre-season. Unfortunately, the NBA lockout is beginning to resemble World War III as the many factions of players, owners, small market owners and fans hunker into the trenches of negotiations. While the NFL squabbles over a $9 billion dollar pie, the NBA and it’s third [&hellip

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