It’s been a week and the parodies have been rolling in from around the Internet.? Six years ago when Kobe Bryant shed his kid friendly McDonalds image in the wake of felony rape charges, he became a pariah off the hardwood but the severity of the accusations he faced tempered the punchlines.? In addition, Youtube was just launching into the web.? Six years later, I can upload High Definition videos in ten seconds from my phone and civilization is probably six months away from the advent of Youtube 3-D.? After scouring the web for Lebron parodies I stumbled upon these top six in honor of Miami’s new #6.

Jay-Z feat. John Mayer-LEBRON IS GONE (Blueprint 7)

We haven’t heard much from Jay-Z since Lebron spurned him for Miami.? If you believe this video he’s probably holed up inside a beach cabana working out his feelings through music and guitar.? In all honesty, though this is more of a Jay-Z and John Mayer parody than anything else.

Lil Dez Talks South Beach With King James

Lil Dez? speaks truth to Puppet Lebron, who is packing his bags and moving in with Puppet Wade, Puppet Bosh and Landlord Pat Riley. Chris Bosh’s girlfriend also shouldn’t visit too often while Lebron’s around.

Dan LeBatard Rejoices

Miami Herald writer Dan Le Batard and PTI fill-in host popped some pills before going on air. Things got so bad Nate Robinson called in after the segment to calm him down.? New York only has one person to blame for this trio cursing New York with another decade off futility; Eddy Curry’s expiring $60 million contract barred the Knicks from dangling max contracts to Wade, Bosh and Lebron.? Ultimately, Miami’s bottomless pit of cap space catapulted them to the top of all three’s wish list.

In his drug induced euphoria, LeBatard actually introduces an interesting sweepstakes to assist Miami in remaining under the cap by plucking one lucky fan a night to run the point. On second thought, that’s probably not legal under the League’s bargaing agreement but a 10 day contract is. (For road trips. you don’t want a visiting fan to win this sweepstakes..)

I think the Miami Heat have already found the 2010 season’s pre-game introduction and PA announcer.

Steve Carell The Decision ESPY’s Spoof

With the aid of Steve Carell, the ESPY’s mocks Lebron’s “Decision”,? the very program ESPN aired six days before. Good to know ESPN has some self deprecating humor in them.? In all honesty though, Lebron? should have held off for a week and announced his decision live at the ESPY’s.?? He clearly loves the spotlight and he hosted the show in 2007.? Unfortunately, “The Decision” was only the third most ridiculous summer endeavor by the Four Letter Network after “Titletown” and “Who’s Hot”.

\”The Decision\” Brought To You By…

Sure the actor looks more like Michael Vick than Lebron but the message is clear.? Lebron’s fatal flaw to his basketball legacy may very well be his financial ambitiousness.? He’s more focused on watering the seeds of his global brand and becoming a billionaire than Bruno Mars.? Chicago considered bring Fortune 500 CEO’s to their pitch meeting with Lebron and New York highlighted the increased revenue he’d make in New York.? Fortunately, Florida’s lack of a state income tax won out.? Florida ranks #45 in having the lowest tax burden)

This Parody was brought to you in part by… Nike Headbands,Gilette Deodorant, Rocafella Records, Pizza Hot Pockets, Fritos, Skittles, Twilight Eclipse and Men’s Wearhouse.

Lebron Joins NWO

Inspired by a tweet from ESPN’s Bill Simmons, this South Park quality video manipulation was born.? Flashback to the day WCW’s Hulk Hogan turned heel and joined the NWO.? The parallels between Lebron, Hulk Hogan, the Miami Heat and NWO are hilarious.? Delonte West even makes a surprise appearance.? Hulk Hogan rolls with the yellow bandana, meanwhile Lebron? is the only superstar(besides Paul Pierce) left in the NBA wearing a headband. PLEASE READ ADS TO SUPPORT THIS SITE. THANKS DJ